
I was raised on a traditional meat and potatoes diet with plenty of white bread and butter. I had always considered myself healthy. Shortly after giving birth to my son I began having multiple unexplained symptoms. From nausea and weakness in my legs to extreme bloating and brain fog... I was a mess. I had xrays, an MRI, multiple ultrasounds and lab work done. After two years of no answers and no improvement I began an elimination diet.

Through the elimination process I discovered a gluten intolerance (I have never pursued formal celiac testing) as well as a long list of other food allergies. During this time I began reading about the health benefits of choosing a vegan diet. For about a year now I have maintained a gluten free and vegan diet and my symptoms have completely disappeared.

I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher. I want the time, effort, and money I put into meal preparation to be as worthwhile as possible. When I find a vegan (and gluten free!) recipe that works well, tastes great, and that my family loves I want to share that recipe with everyone. Through this blog I hope to do just that.

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