Learn More About a Vegan Diet

What is a Vegan?
Find out more about what the word "vegan" means as well as valuable information about protein. As a vegan you may find "how do you get protein?" to be the number one question people ask you about your diet. Here you can find out how to answer the question.



Food Inc. is a great documentary about how the food industry has changed over the past 50 or so years. Not as many scientific numbers as Forks Over Knives, but more interviews with farmers, supermarket chain owners, and some real life medical implications of a plant based diet. An easy documentary to watch with tons of ways the average Joe can make improvements in the food industry immediately.


If you want to learn why going vegan can improve your health, you should watch Forks Over Knives. You can stream it on Netflix.


A world-class triathlete turned firefighter, Rip Esselstyn (son of the man responsible for Forks Over Knives), motivated the entire Engine 2 firehouse to join together and adopt a plant-based diet. Find recipes, information, and motivation at: http://engine2diet.com

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