Sunday, July 29, 2012

Berry Scones

Ok. My scones are blue. Maybe purple. It's possible that's because I used a different type of berry. Or my lack of patience for the art of "folding" the berries in could be to blame... it was really more of a "stir". But it doesn't really matter, does it? These scones taste wonderful! They are fluffy and just sweet enough. They are great with a cup of coffee or tea and would pair nicely with some vanilla soy ice cream.

I used the recipe Ali posted on her Whole Life Nutrition Facebook page. I substituted Earth Balance for the palm shortening, marionberries for the raspberries, vanilla soy milk for the hemp milk, and I was just a bit short on maple syrup so I topped off the measuring cup with agave nectar. I made these changes only because of the ingredients I had on hand at the time. I bet if you follow Ali's recipe and patiently fold in your berries they won't be blue! Or purple... 

Regardless of the color, they were very quick to prep and bake. Try them right away!

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