Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Crispy Cajun Chickpea Cakes (gluten-free friendly)

These chickpea cakes are fantastic. They are a perfect fix when you want something crunchy and a little bit fried. But they don't leave you feeling guilty for eating crunchy fried food. I have made them a few times now, but needing to substitute the flour for a gluten-free variety has made it difficult to get the cakes to stick together. 

This time I tried chickpea flour (rather than brown rice flour) and they stuck together perfectly. I also didn't have celery or hot sauce, so I doubled the onion and substituted 1 tsp red curry paste. 

The author of this recipe, Vegan Dad, says to add salt and pepper to taste. I added 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp Herbamare, and 1/2 tsp ground black pepper. 

I used 1 tsp olive oil for sauteing the onion and bell pepper and then 1 tsp per batch of cakes for frying.

You can find Vegan Dad's recipe at his blog.

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