Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pink Pancakes (Gluten-Free Friendly)

When I first started cooking for my husband, he happily ate whatever I put in front of him. Then, he found a bean I'd tried to hide in his meatloaf. Soon after, he discovered the brown dots mixed into the coating on his chicken were flax seed. But, when he caught me mixing cauliflower into the mashed potatoes, I lost all his trust.

I am stubborn. Now, I puree more finely, hide cans, packages, and recipes. I can fool the biggest skeptic!

These pink pancakes are a perfect way you can fill your family with nutrition secretly too. I call them 'Strawberry Pancakes'. I first got the recipe from Jessica Seinfeld's book Deceptively Delicious. She was on Oprah explaining how she hid veggies in all her kid's food and I was sold. I bought the book to hide veggies from my husband! This book is not gluten free or vegan, but some recipes can be modified.

Jessica's recipe for pink pancakes includes a few non-vegan ingredients I substitute out.For the ricotta I used an equal amount of vanila soy yogurt and I used Bob's Red Mill GF pancake mix. With my skeptical family, I have to explain the pink color, so I add strawberries (and beats) instead of the apples. I buy sliced cooked beats in the produce section at my grocery store. These blend nice and smooth in a food processor with a few drops of water.

My kids and my husband love these pancakes. Try them. It feels good to be sneaky!
Find Jessica's recipe in her book or here.

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