Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Smoked Tofu and Vegetable Pizza

I picked up a package of smoked tofu at the grocery store the other day. I have a love hate relationship with tofu. It is full of protein and a great meat replacement, but I have found very few recipes where tofu actually enhances the flavor of a dish.

Until now! Smoked tofu may very well be my new best friend. If you've never had smoked tofu, it actually resembles the texture and taste of a smoked cheese, which is prefect for trying to replace cheese or meat in a dish. It is firm, salty and, well, smoky. It was the perfect combination of textures and flavors.  Not soggy and no need to drain or press before using. My kids and husband snacked on slices as I made dinner. 

I found a vegan pizza site that has a Smoked Tofu and cheese pizza along with other delicious pizza recipes. I decided to make my own version and combine several of their pizza topping combinations.

The result was fantastic! A pizza you could serve to guests, vegan and non-vegan.
Give it a try, you'll love it!

Smoked Tofu and Vegetable Vegan Pizza

½ recipe of your favorite pizza dough
½ cup tomato sauce
1/2 package smoked tofu, cut into small pieces
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
1 small red bell pepper, cut into narrow strips
1 cup small broccoli florets
1 small zucchini sliced
 ¾ cup grated vegan cheese ( like Veggie shreds Mozzarella & Romano blend)
 1 ½ tablespoons olive oil, plus more for the roasting pan

Makes 8 slices

Preheat oven to 500°F  for at least 30 minutes before baking your pizza (the pizza stone should be on the lowest rack position in your oven). Dust your pizza peel with flour or corn meal, and set aside.

Combine the bell pepper, broccoli, zucchini, tofu, mushrooms, and oil in a bowl. Stir together. Transfer vegetables into a roasting pan and place in oven until the vegetables are browned on some spots. About 4- 6 minutes.

Place the dough on prepared peel. Spread the sauce on the pizza dough and sprinkle evenly with the veggies and top with the cheese. Bush the edges of the crust with olive oil. Carefully transfer your pizza from peel to pizza stone, and bake for 10 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cheese is nicely melted. Remove from the oven and let stand for a minute before cutting.

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