Monday, July 23, 2012

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Quinoa Cookies

Honestly, I don't do too much baking since learning of my gluten intolerance. I tried at first but I kept being disappointed with the outcome. I blamed the failed outcomes on my need to substitute ingredients in order to meet my vegan protocol. After all, gluten-free AND vegan can be challenging at times,and as I've mentioned, I'm just too busy to mess around with the non-essentials. Although... sometimes a cookie is an essential item!

Tonight I decided to put my trust in Karina at Gluten Free Goddess as she has never disappointed me before with her dinner items (more reviews to come). Her site is easy to navigate and has many recipes in each of her categories.

I am so pleased with how these cookies turned out. I have never baked with quinoa flakes, and now I must say... quinoa flakes are where it's at! These cookies were easy to make and the end result is the perfect combination of chewy and crunchy, as well as sweet and salty. They are perfect for dunking in a cup of vanilla soy milk or eating all on their own. 


I can't wait to bake these for unsuspecting gluten and animal product eaters!!   

Please check out Karina's recipe immediately!

I followed the recipe exactly, using Ener-g egg replacer for the eggs and Enjoy Life chocolate chips. Adding the water as she suggests turned out to be essential. My cookies ended up needing 5 tablespoons of water throughout the "rolling into a ball" process.

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