Saturday, July 14, 2012

'Chicken' Nuggets (product review)

We stick to a whole foods diet for the most part in my house, but who doesn't need a frozen standby in their freezer from time to time? I have tried a few brands of meatless chicken nuggets on the two meat and gluten eaters in my house. Since the nuggets aren't gluten-free, I don't know what they taste like or how close they come to the "goodness" of meaty chicken nuggets. But my two taste-testers haven't been thrilled. Which is why I am happy to have found Gardein Seven Grain Crispy Tenders

These are not gluten-free either, so I can't actually describe their taste, but they have gotten rave reviews from my family.

The ingredients are reasonable, they look like chicken nuggets, and they make a great side at dinner or a quick bite. Give them a try!  

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